COMA: a method for detection of distant evolutionary relationships

COMA (Comparison Of Multiple Alignments) is a method for detection of distant evolutionary relationship (homology) through comparison of multiple protein sequence alignments. For convenience, the COMA software package includes programs for constructing profiles from multiple alignments, generating a profile database from a set of profiles, searching a profile (multiple alignment) against a profile database, etc. COMA output consists of pairwise alignments between profiles (multiple alignments) with estimated values of statistical significance, which indicates the probability that the aligned pair of profiles is a random match.

The COMA installation package includes binaries for Linux x86, Linux x86_64, and MS Win32 platforms. The package includes source files as well, so you are free to build the programs on any other system. The instructions in the README file will provide a guidance how to do it.

The COMA software package is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

To install COMA, download the most recent version:
coma.1.10 [version 1.10] [~31M]

COMA is not supported anymore. COMA web server has been also discontinued. They have been replaced by the COMER application and web server.


Margelevičius M., Venclovas Č. (2010) Detection of distant evolutionary relationships between protein families using theory of sequence profile-profile comparisons. BMC Bioinformatics, 11:89.

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