Re-searcher: a system for recurrent searches of homologs in protein sequence databases
Re-searcher is a user-friendly configurable system for recurrent searches and reporting of new homologs in specified protein sequence databases. Searches can be performed at desired intervals either within NCBI or local databases using BLAST or PSI-BLAST. In addition to searches against an individual database, the system can perform "PDB-BLAST"-like combined searches, when PSI-BLAST profile generated during search against the first database is used to search the second database. The system supports multiple users each keeping track of multiple queries and query-specific results.
Re-searcher is written in Java and has been tested in Windows and Linux environments. Re-searcher is open source software distributed under GPL license.
To install Re-searcher, download or researcher-linux.tar.gz for windows or linux operating systems respectively. Uncompress the archive to the desired location and follow the instructions in the Researcher's guide. The most recent version for downloading is also available from the Re-searcher's home at
Repšys V., Margelevičius M. and Venclovas Č. (2008) Re-searcher: a system for recurrent detection of homologous protein sequences. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:296.