
We present Voroprot, an interactive cross-platform software tool that provides a unique set of capabilities for exploring geomeric features of protein structure. Voroprot allows the construction and visualization of the Apollonius diagram (also known as additively weighted Voronoi diagram), the Apollonius graph, protein alpha shapes, interatomic contact surfaces, solvent accessible surfaces, pockets and cavities inside protein structure.

The software is written in C++ using Qt framework, 3D rendering is implemented using OpenGL. Voroprot is a standalone application with an easy setup, not a plug-in for other visualization software.

Download Voroprot

Voroprot tutorial

Voroprot video screencast on YouTube

Voroprot poster at ECCB10

Reference: Olechnovič K., Margelevičius M. and Venclovas Č. (2010) Voroprot: an interactive tool for the analysis and visualization of complex geometric features of protein structure. Bioinformatics (2011) 27 (5): 723-724.

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