Projects and collaborations
Projects and collaborations
Grants from the Research Council of Lithuania:
MIP-039/2015 "development of new diagnostic tools for hepatitis E virus (HEV) and studies on HEV prevalence in Lithuania" (2015-2018). Coordinator - I. Kučinskaitė-Kodzė.
S-MIP-17-49 „The prevalence and distribution of virulence factors among subgroups of vaginal bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis“ (2017-2020). Coordinator - M. Plečkaitytė.
Project No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0008 „New technologies for development of recombinant allergens“ under the Measure No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718, 2017-2020. Coordinator – G.Žvirblis (VU), participants: M.Simanavičius, K.Juškaitė, M.Plečkaitytė, V.Rudokas, A. Žvirblienė.
National research program “Healthy ageing”, project SEN-14/2015 „Investigation of Genetic and Epigenetic Prognostic Markers for Prediction of Clinical Course of Papillary Thyroid Cancer (PTC) in Different age Groups”, 2015-2018. Coordinator - B.Žilaitienė (LSMU), participants: A. Žvirblienė, D. Stravinskienė, E.Leiputė.
Post-doctoral fellowship No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0094 „Investigation of pneumolysin by immunoassays“ (2017-2019), I. Kučinskaitė-Kodzė.
Post-doctoral fellowship No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0095 „Alternative pre-iRNR splicing: association between hypoxia and neurodegenerative disorders“ (2017-2019), E. Jakubauskienė.
Contracts with industrial partners:
- UAB Imunodiagnostika No. 52-1705/TPS-600000-974, 2017-2019
- UAB Imunodiagnostika No. 51-1705/TPS-600000-966, 2017-2019
- Kalon Biological Ltd. (UK)
- Abcam Ltd. (UK)
- Santa Cruz Biotechnology (USA)
- ArcDia (Finland)
Collaboration partners
- Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
- Oslo University (Norway)
- Friedrich-Loeffler Institute, Institute for Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases (Germany)
- Justus-Liebig University Giessen (Germany)
- ArcDia (Finland)